Mine Your Mind I: For Profit

Learn how to discover stunningly original ideas without stealing them:
Kirby Ferguson speaking for TED does an amazing job of convincing us that creativity is actually one of these three:
He explains in his short talk that the concept of an "original idea" is an evaporating one.
In a different TED talk, Austin Kleon teaches us... drumroll... exactly the same thing:
"Nothing is original"
His book "Steal Like an Artist" gets into this more deeply.
I think these guys have missed something.
How do we get ideas that no one can trace to their origins?

Originality is a strong craving these days and it comes to us from both inside and outside of us. Each of the following fountainheads of novel ideas is a link to its own post. In each short article you will discover a brief description so you can choose whether you would like to try the method. Also, you will find a story with full directions to get you going if you decide to try it.
- Dreams
- "List Breeding"
- Conversations with Children
- Group Brainstorming
- Play and Improv
- Misinterpretation of quiet noises and vague shapes