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The Sign of Jonah

I was commissioned to capture the harrowing experience of Christ facing his own execution in one piece of unfamiliar symbolism. I had to turn to one of His own references to an ancient mystery for that powerful image. Watch the video for a more in depth explanation of this morbid artwork.

I collected weathered wood from a local river where snags seem to gather hundreds of pieces after storms. Assembly was completely unplanned, I just started building.

Bones were gathered from Snake Butte in Montana.

Fish ribs were green spring branches pruned from a maple tree.

Nothing was purchased for this creation.

Notice the open tomb waiting for it's prey in the side of the fish. The grey material is discarded carpet padding.

Overall the design of the creature was loosely based on a coelacanth and a few deep sea fish.

The Sign of Jonah was installed 20 feet above the ground to the side of the stage in a church. Worried that it would disturb the more conservative parishioners, I provided a document at all entrances explaining the symbolism. I have had flak for past installation artworks and this time I feel the document did the trick as I received (to my shock) no negative feedback.

        About this site:   

My site has three closely related focuses.


  • First: I aim to share my kinetic sculptures, and the process by which they are created.


  • Second: Maybe you are someone who suspects that you haven’t reached your greatest creative potential. This site will change that.


  • Third: I will give voice to the deep connection with God we experience as we echo His fundamental identity… Creator.



 UPCOMING Projects: 


Living Glass Plumage


Maple Zoetrope


Monarch Tower


Wind up fruit

 FOLLOW Jesse: 
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